Blog Archives

Meet BESA at the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting, Neuroscience 2021

It is finally time again to find the passport, pack a suitcase and check in at the airport! BESA will be present at … [more]

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Soapbox Science – a science movement that BESA proudly supports

Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. Since its start 10 years … [more]

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BESA is on GitHub! Get the latest BESA MATLAB scripts with explanations there!

BESA offers many highly useful tools that facilitate analyzing your data further in MATLAB, or even to bring MATLAB-processed data back into BESA. … [more]

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Two exciting conferences in one week: AMIE and SuSIE – enjoy a special conference discount!

The Annual Meeting on Imaging and Electrophysiology in Neurology, Neurosurgery and (cognitive) Neuroscience (AMIE) and the Summer School on Imaging in Epilepsy (SuSIE) … [more]

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BESA Research for source imaging and dipole localization in EEG and MEG

Smart, highly versatile and user-friendly. BESA® is the most widely used software for source analysis and dipole localization in EEG and MEG research. … [more]

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Learn about MEG technology and software applications in the MEGIN masterclasses

Already some time ago, the global leaders in magnetoencephalography (MEG) MEGIN have teamed up with BESA in order to deliver a next-generation offering … [more]

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New publication describing next level in SESAME, the Bayesian source estimation method

The Bayesian source estimation method “Sequential Semi-Analytic Monte-Carlo Estimation”, or in short SESAME, allows a largely un-biased dipole modelling approach to the inverse … [more]

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New BESA Research workshop scheduled – register now!

The first online BESA Research workshop in March 2021 was a big success. Now the follow-up has been scheduled and is open for … [more]

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Discover the exciting features added in BESA Research 7.1

This video showcases the benchmark-setting feature additions in the recent major BESA Research release in a highly condensed yet instructive presentation:

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Vintage publications that keep on shining: surrogate artifact modeling

Have you ever asked yourself why the BESA artifact correction is so incredibly good? Compared to other approaches, there is very little – … [more]

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